North from Metolius Artisan Tea

If you would have told me a few weeks ago that North from Metolius Artisan Tea would be an herbal tisane that I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about I would have called you CRAZY.

I mean…I’m pretty finicky when it comes to herbal tisanes. Let’s face it…they’re NOT really tea. I’m not saying that as a slam it’s the technicality of it, folks! North from Metolius Artisan Tea is a REALLY AMAZING Herbal Tisane. One that blew me away and I will not be able to say enough about.

North from Metolius Artisan Tea is Fresh, organic, vibrant, and hand-blended. It’s a sweet and spicy blend of coconut, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, licorice, and pink peppercorns.

I have a confession to make. I was terrified of the licorice in this. I know – I need to get over that. I have now sipped on many wonderful licorice flavored teas and tisanes since a few I tried years ago and couldn’t stand. But I have to say that North from Metolius Artisan Tea is in a class of its own!

The coconut and licorice pairing is something of an enlightening outer body experience of sorts. Call me dramatic if you will but I’m trying to express my surprise and delight with this blend of flavors! Its licorice and cinnamon ‘stave off sugar cravings and tone down energy-bonking’ according to Metolius so it’s perfect for evenings or after dinner when you don’t have anything for dessert or later on in the night when you have that sweet tooth going. The spices are present at the ideal ratio, too!

I wouldn’t change one thing about this herbal. It’s truly amazing! I LOVE it! I find myself revisiting it time and time again!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal/Tisane
Where to Buy: Metolius Artisan Tea

A sweet and spicy blend of coconut, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, licorice and pink peppercorns.

Beyond North tea’s warmth and flavor, its licorice and cinnamon stave off sugar cravings and tone down energy-bonking.

Fresh, organic, vibrant, and hand-blended.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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