Coconut Decadence from BELEAVE Teas

Good day, tea-ple! (Like “people,” but with “tea”? Can we make this catch on?) Today I’m going to chat you up about Coconut Decadence by BeLEAVE Teas.

The word “Decadent” can mean “luxuriously self-indulgent.” It can also mean “characterized by or reflecting a state of moral or cultural decline.”

I imagine that BeLEAVE was shooting for the first meaning. I don’t think that this tea is a commentary on contemporary politics. OR IS IT? (It’s not. It’s so totally not.)

Linguistics aside, this tea really is resplendently, lusciously decadent.

This tea has a unique texture that I’m not sure I’ve discovered in much other than a maté or two. It’s a slick-ness that coats the tongue. The taste — a very strong vanilla/coconut affair — packs a wallop.

It gave me a feeling that I couldn’t pinpoint at first. To be honest with you, Dear Reader, I wrote the first half of this review upon first trying the tea, and then spent 24 hours trying to figure out a good parallel. Not every review needs a metaphor or extended digression, of course, but I didn’t feel like I’d covered this tea appropriately without saying something else. Something special. I really liked this tea and wanted to do it justice.

What is this tea like?

I finally nailed it down. This tea is like Whitney Houston at her very best. This is the “I Will Always Love You” of teas. It’s rich; it’s smooth; and it soars. This tea’s a winner.


Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: Beleave Teas


Broken Leaf Black Tea Blend with Coconut and Chocolate Flavor Notes. Light and Brisk body.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!