Pineapple Coconut Tea from Prestogeorge. . . .

Pineapple, coconut, and vanilla — need I say more?

(How amazing would this post be if I didn’t say any more? Like, if I just ended it right there? Just walked away into the Internet-sunset?)

Ahhhh this is a sweet tropical delight. It smells amazing straight out of the bag. I wandered around my office making people sniff it earlier. No regrets. It’s wonderful. The coconut is the star of the show, followed by a creamy vanilla, with a pinch of pineapple on a soothing black base.

This tea takes me to some kind of alternate-universe Moana-style paradise. If I’m concentrating on a giant crab singing the Shiny song, I won’t have to think about rainy spring days ahead!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy:  Prestogeorge

Black tea, pineapple bits, shredded coconut, vanilla bits, vanilla, coconut & pineapple flavor. Makes a wonderful summer iced tea.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Tropical Flip from 52Teas. . . .


I type to you from my cabana, where a fella with a GIANT leaf is fanning me in addition to the Bahama winds. My skin is tanning, not burning. I have a floppy hat. My hubs and friends are frolicking on the shore, leaving me alone with a novel, some tea, and the giant-leaf-guy. I feel their joy, but do not have to stand up. Ahhhhh.

Oh wait. That isn’t happening at all. I just FELT that way because of this tea. Only the tea is real.

Today’s sipping buddy is Tropical Flip Green Tea by 52Teas, which they sent me in a special sneak-peak-for-reviews package. (They do not, at this time, send out island vacations.) I will not allow the free nature of this tea to sway me; I genuinely love this tea. (Though, for the record, if someone sends me a vacation package, I will say literally anything you want about your teas. I’m open to a cruise, with a meet-a-dolphin excursion and unlimited alcohol.)

Tropical Flip tastes like a pineapple, coconut, and banana smoothie. Sweet and bright. Usually I think that bananas belong on their own, or in breads, not as a flavoring for something else. But here it works. It adds a little bit of a tang that counters the pineapple’s.

I think that the difference between banana-candy (ick!) and this tea (yeah!) is the ingredients. There’s nothing artificial about the flavor at all. I suspect that it’s because there are freeze-dried actual bananas in there instead of some kind of chemical that Mr So-And-So cooked up in his pharmaceutical company’s basement.

So if you want to briefly dip your toes in the sand without actually paying money or shaving your legs, give this a sip. You might be surprised at how transported you’ll be!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Green
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Pineapple Marshmallow Black Tea from 52Teas. . .

Pineapple marshmallow?!? What?! How did I not know about this? Pineapple and marshmallow are two of my favorite things and alas I missed out on this tea. Luckily I have the wonderful CuppaGeek who surprises me with such delicious things.

This is flavorful and yet not-in-your face. The black tea is a touch malty without being too much, therefore providing the perfect foundation for the flavors. The pineapple is subtle and sweet while the marshmallow is fluffy. Both flavors distinct while also seamlessly intertwined.

I am definitely a fan of this one. It’s a shame this is out of stock because I would have snatched this up immediately. Now, having gotten a taste, I will be keeping my eye open for a reblend of this tea. It is on my wishlist.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  52Teas

This tea is no longer available but click below for teas that are.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Pineapple Angel Food Cake White Tea from 52Teas

52teas3_1430856114__73092Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy: 52Teas

Tea Description:

All Organic ingredients:  White Peony, Pineapple Pieces, Vanilla Bean and Natural Flavors 

This particular blend is sold out. Learn what white teas are available here.

Taster’s Review:

Sipdown! Gotta love a sipdown. Sipdowns make me happy and sad. Happy that I’ve enjoyed a tea to the point that I’ve finished it. Sad because if that tea is from 52Teas it means that more than likely that tea is one you can’t get again.

I believe I reviewed this tea on my blog CuppaGeek, but I don’t believe I did here. So I thought with the summer finally upon us, this would be a great tea to try both hot and iced for these upcoming summer months, allowing me to sipdown a tea from my always growing tea stash.

With a tea named Pineapple Angel Food Cake White Tea, there are high expectations of a lush white tea with icing notes and that tropical pineapple feel. A hard goal to hit when it comes to tea, but one that 52Teas did amazingly well!

First I tried the tea hot. Prepped with water at 165F and allowed to steep for about 5 minutes and then allowed to cool for about 3. I took a sip and the flavors exploded. They captured the title of this tea perfectly. Lush notes of a decadent angel food cake with a vanilla icing and pineapple topping. The white tea provides a silky like feel that gives a unique dessert taste.  The flavors are subtle but not so much that you can’t pick them out. They mingle together very well and make me sad that I have sipped this tea down. This is a tea that I should have bought a bigger pouch of.

Then after loving the tea as hot, I tried the tea as iced. I have to say this tea sings as a hot tea but as an iced tea it is pretty tasty as well. You still get all of those same notes but the pineapple flavors seem to be a bit sharper. The cake and vanilla notes were my favorite part when I tried the tea hot.  Still, absolutely delicious and I have already drank two tall tumblers full and I’m going for a third.

Another wonderful offering from 52Teas. They really do dessert teas justice!