Marshmallow Root from Celebration Herbals. . . .

I think all of us have flavors that just call to us when we see them in teas. Some love vanilla. Others might prefer chocolate. Some lean towards fruit, while others love the malt of a plain black tea. For me, and for many others, marshmallow is one of those flavors. If you are anything like me than you see it and you just gotta have it.

In some cases, especially when tea makers are trying to remain vegetarian/vegan friendly, marshmallow root is what is used. It doesn’t necessarily taste like marshmallow but it tends to give teas that marshmallow fluffiness that is oh so delightful and when combined with other components, it can help sell the marshmallow element.

This tea, steeped for 4.5-5 minutes in 200F degree water, is definitely fluffy. Soft and fluffy. Flavorwise, it is smooth and a touch vegetal but also sweet. In theory, marshmallow root has a few health benefits so it is no surprise that the herbal nature of this tea comes off a bit medicinal tasting as well. Moreover, I get the slightest bit of corn and straw, similar to what you might taste in a white tea.

Overall, it is pretty calming tea but definitely not what you are looking for when you think marshmallow flavoring.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy:  Celebration Herbals

Marshmallow’s genus “Althaea” is derived from the Greek word atho, meaning “to cure.” This herb has been used for centuries. It was advocated by Hippocrates for its virtues, and it has long been used as a food in times of famine.

Native to Europe, Marshmallow grows in wet soils. Its roots are harvested in the autumn.

Marshmallow has many uses and a good reference book is helpful. It is commonly used as a tea, poultice, syrup, ointment, gargle, capsule or wash.

With this bulk package you can create a vast array of home remedies including tinctures, capsules, poultices, salves and, of course, herbal tea.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Aria blend from The Jasmine Pearl Tea Co.

Immediately evident in the dry leaves are whole cloves and some seed pods that I thought at first were anise but, after looking at the ingredients, I decided must be fennel. The attractive-looking combination also includes bits of licorice and marshmallow root as well as orange peel and peppermint plus cinnamon and ginger.

I used a heaping teaspoon of the tea leaves in a cup of water at approximately boiling temperature and then watched it steep for about the next four minutes. It smelled all nice and licorice-y while steeping and became a nice light yellow color, which reminded me a bit of a medium-strong green tea.
When I sipped it, I noticed right away the very present flavor of anise (licorice). It reminds me of the “throat coat” tea I grew up drinking whenever I had a cold, except that it’s a bit more delicate and refined in how it presents the licorice flavor. The licorice still manages to overpower the other flavors in the cup, though. I tried really hard and detected a hint of tingly spiciness from the cloves (I think. Or was I just making that up? I may have been just making that up), but I didn’t detect a noticeable presence from any of the other components. This was a little surprising as I’d seen citrus peel in the cup and that’s generally pretty strongly flavored. Fortunately, the licorice flavor itself was quite pleasing.
The effect of the tea is definitely soothing and relaxing to the throat. It’s a bit viscous as if it had lots of honey in it (likely because of the marshmallow root), which makes it even more soothing. It’s also caffeine free, which means it’s non-stimulating. This can be important when your throat is irritated and you’re trying to relax-soothe it, and it’s also good for singers in general especially near a performance because, according to some experts, caffeine can have a detrimental effect on the voice (the vocal cords, that is).


I’d say this tea would probably great for reducing throat irritation/scratchiness/etc, whether you have a cold or allergies or have just overused or abused your voice recently. (Which I haven’t. But I’ll be sure to use this tea next time my throat is feeling under the weather!) It probably can’t work miracles, like if you have laryngitis and are hoping to still go on stage or something, but it does have a markedly soothing effect. Also, this tea can be re-steeped! So you can use it over and over again, although I personally didn’t test to see how many cups of tea it will make so I can’t give a figure. I’d recommend this tea for not only singers but anyone who might sometimes overuse their voice or who might have to use their voice while sick, like teachers (can’t stop teaching just cause you have a cold!).

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: The Jasmine Pearl Tea Company

A singer’s best friend! This herbal blend was originally designed for Portland’s very own Hampton Opera Center. Licorice, marshmallow root, cinnamon and mint are some of the ingredients used in this blend to provide relief and aid to the throat. Aria satisfies, soothes and warms.


Licorice Root*, Fennel*, Clove*, Cinnamon*, Orange Peel*, Ginger*, Peppermint*, and Marshmallow Root.

*Organically Grown.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

S’mores Genmaicha Green Tea from 52Teas

52teas3_1430856114__73092Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy: 52Teas

Tea Description:

I reblended this tea to fulfill part of our start-up Kickstarter campaign’s add-on offers! This was part of the Genmaicha 3-Tier collection – a yummy blend of Matcha infused Genmaicha green tea and chocolate and marshmallow flavors. I added cacao shells & nibs, mini vegan chocolate chips and marshmallow root to the blend. This is yummy!

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This gemaicha is a perfect tea for the weather out there today! I’ve battened down the hatches and hunkered down, because the outside world has turned completely white. I’m living in a surreal ghost town of powder. It certainly doesn’t help that the wind keeps whipping up the 3 feet of snow that has already fallen. I can’t even open my front door! And to think it was almost 70 degrees yesterday. That’s Denver spring for ya.

I can’t believe I have already finished this package! I received the 3-tier genmaicha tin set from 52Teas’ initial kickstarter not too long ago. At first I didn’t care for the flavor, especially with the chocolate pieces. It’s a personal pet peeve of mine to have chocolate chips in tea. But I love the flavors of marshmallows and graham crackers, and I did not want to allow these chocolate abominations to keep me from enjoying this tea. So I just picked out and straight up ate the chocolate chips. May I just say that they are a great compliment to the tea – better than if they were in the blend, fusing to the sides of my teapot and creating an odd sludge.

I quickly became addicted to this blend. I think I drank nothing but this tea for about a week straight. It’s so on point – each flavor is well developed and distinct, from the smooth and mellow marshmallow to the crisp and sweet graham cracker right up to the vegetal grassiness and toasty rice flavor of the genmaicha. I love flavored genmaicha, and this blend is a great combination of a funky flavor idea and the classic Japanese green tea.


Dreamy from heartfeltMenagerie

dreamyTea Information:

Leaf Type: Herbal

Where to Buy:  heartfeltMenagerie

Tea Description:

Organic Herbal Tea, homegrown and carefully hand blended to please the palette and soothe the soul. The healing herbs used in this blend are helpful in relieving stress, digestive discomfort, and promoting a cozy night’s rest.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I love chamomile teas.  I drink a lot of them too.  At night there really isn’t anything more soothing than to drink a nice glass of chamomile tea, relieving the stress of your day.

I picked up a couple teas from this adorable shop on Etsy.  This was the second one I’ve reviewed for SororiTea Sisters and this one I am extremely pleased with.  This tea originally has lavender in it.  I have yet to find a lavender tea that I really like.  So I emailed the owner and she was able to remove that from the blend.  Score one for Customer Service!

I first had this one hot the other night with my boyfriend.  We liked it, but it honestly tasted like a lot of chamomile teas.  The chamomile really took over.  The rest of the flavors just played to the side a bit and created a nice pleasing quality to it.  Overall I did like it, but I can’t say it would stand out among  other chamomile herbal teas.

So I dropped the tin in my work backpack and figured I’d try it at work.  This is where the tea that was the wallflower tea really stood out to me! Iced this is fantastic! It tastes like a sweet lemon dessert with hints of mint.  There is also a creaminess to it.  I am loving it.  I think iced is the one to go with this one. I recommend this one for a tasty afternoon treat or even in the morning if you are going caffeine free.  Glad I ordered two tins of this!