Tangerine White Tea/Revolution Tea. . .

A couple of years ago my daughter and her husband treated me to dinner at a restaurant new to me – P. F. Changs. They asked me to choose the tea and since tangerines have such a bright, fresh flavor, this was my choice.

A small cast iron pot was brought to the table and there was a large bag in it steeping. We all poured a cup and more hot water was brought and we resteeped that bag and I fell for the tea. So did my daughter, who even went online and ordered the exact cast iron pot they used because we just had to.

At the time, I didn’t what company made it, but I perused the menu and recognized the names of some of the other teas on offer and assumed they would source from just one company. But when I went online to the Revolution website there was no Tangerine White listed!

I called their customer service line and got some great help. It turned out this flavor was made especially for wholesale clients but they offered to ask for special permission to sell me a case. Revolution – “Ma’am, a case is a LOT of tea.” Me – “You don’t scare me!” (The words of a hopeless tea addict on fire for the latest passion.)

A week later a case of Tangerine White is at my door and family and friends are lining up to take some home since a whole case is a little extreme even for me, especially since I already had about 150 teas on hand already.

What’s so great about it? I have a small cast iron pot and I can put the bag in and steep just ONE BAG for the whole pot PLUS resteep it. Easy peasy.

Also, it tastes great. When I was a kid, we pretty much only got tangerines at Christmas in our stockings. So they taste like happiness to me. This tea makes me smile. Fresh tangerine and hallelujah nothing else. They didn’t feel compelled to add the usual done to death spices with the citrus. It is fresh and light and wonderful. It tastes refreshing in summer and brightens a winter day. The tangerine flavor tastes natural and isn’t overwhelming or sour, it is just right. And the white base is the tiniest bit brisk…or is that the citrus?…and nicely balanced.

The happiest news is that this flavor has been added to the regular retail line up now and you, yes, you, can order JUST ONE BOX if you wish! And people won’t look at you and shake their heads as you desperately rearrange your cabinets to make room for your remaining half case.

By the way, I don’t make it by their recommendations. I go with my usual 185F for three minutes as I do most white tea. Try it both ways and see what you like best.

P.S. – It is not surprisingly sold out at the time of this writing, but will hopefully be back in stock before my stash gets too low!

Want to Know More About This Tea?

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Revolution Tea


This healthy, light, fragrant tea bursts with the flavor of juicy, fresh-picked tangerines and provides high amounts of antioxidants.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Southern Mint Herbal Tea from Revolution Tea. . . . .

I love mint tea. I love how the smell instantly revitalizes you before even taking a sip. I don’t think I’ve ever had Southern mint tea, so I wasn’t sure what to expect with this tea. It’s stronger than other mint teas I’ve had, and that’s a good thing. As soon as I poured the boiling water over the tea bag, my kitchen smelled like mint. My cat was actually on the counter being a bug-a-boo, and she instantly gave me the side eye and jumped down. She’s not a fan of the smell of mint or bananas!

This tea has a strong, crisp mint flavor. It feels very soothing on my throat which feels a little dry from the dry winter air. I feel energized from this cup even though it’s caffeine free. That’s my favorite thing about mint tea is the natural lift of energy I feel when I drink it. I feel like it gives me a big hug and says, good morning friend, welcome to the world.

We all know that mint tea is good for digestion and the belly, but I just read that it can also help with headaches. I’ve been struggling with headaches for awhile, I think they’re sinus related and so I’m hoping that this delicious cup helps me with that problem.

Most mint teas I’ve had have been a mixture of peppermint and spearmint, some with lemongrass and I notice this tea is only peppermint. Maybe that’s why it’s so much stronger and brighter. It’s so refreshing! I think it would be super refreshing iced on a hot summer day. Either way hands down this is my favorite mint tea ever! I feel refreshed, energized and relaxed all at the same time. If you’re a fan of mint tea, you need this in your life!!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Herbal
Where to Buy:  Revolution Tea

A refreshing pick-me-up, Southern Mint is a delightful version of the traditional English mint tea. This herbal drink, made from whole Egyptian mint leaves, has soothing properties and can help combat headaches and aid in digestion. Caffeine Free.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Organic Green Tea from Revolution Tea


Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green

Where to Buy:  Revolution Tea

Tea Description:

Three Asian green teas, including Certified Organic Chun Mee, Sencha, and Idulgashinna, are combined to produce this healthy, delicious brew. A premium full-leaf tea, Revolution Organic Green is rich in antioxidants and low in caffeine.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

This Organic Green Tea from Revolution Tea is a very pleasant cup of green tea!  It offers much of what I’d expect from a green tea – a fresh, lush flavor with a sweet, vegetative tone.

I didn’t learn that this was actually a blend of several different teas until after I had brewed it and consumed about half of my cup.  But now that I have learned it, and am tasting it … it is really obvious to me that it is a blend.  The vegetative tone reminds me of a Idulgashinna … but also a Sencha … including the hint of bitterness of a Sencha.  I like the bitterness here, it offers the palate an interesting contrast from the sweet grass notes.

The vegetative tones taste like a cross between kelp, steamed vegetables and freshly cut grass.  My first couple of sips were especially strong, reminding me of seaweed – which is something I don’t typically like, but, I did not find the seaweed-ish flavor off-putting … instead, my palate felt very refreshed after those first few sips.

By the time I’ve consumed half a cup of this tea, I find that the flavors tend to become more even … smoother.  It is still sweet and vegetal, but, the distinct flavors of the blend become more melded into a unified flavor.  I like the second half better than the first half … but still found the whole cup to be very enjoyable.

This is a really nice tea.  I’m not about to say it’s my favorite, because it isn’t, but, I enjoyed drinking it, and it is a tea that I wouldn’t mind drinking again.  This would be a tea that I’d like to take traveling (as opposed to relying upon a hotel to provide decent teas – you know they never do!) or any time that I need a tea for on the go.

Dragon Eye Oolong Tea from Revolution Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Oolong

Where to Buy:  Revolution Tea

Tea Description:

Somewhere between a green and a black tea, Dragon Eye Oolong begins with the finest quality Oolong tea available. This smooth, well-rounded elixir blends smoky Chinese oolong with safflower, peach and apricots.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I tend to be skeptical when it comes to bagged teas – as some of you may have noticed if you’ve read very many of my reviews.  That skepticism multiplies when it comes to bagged Oolong teas.  It has been my experience that Oolong teas tend to expand more than other tea types, extending to as large as five times their dry size (sometimes even more!) so therefore I think it’s important to allow as much room as possible for an Oolong to do its thing when it steeps.

So, needless to say, I was very happy to see that after brewing this tea for three and a half minutes that there was still room to spare in the silky pyramid sachet!  I am glad to see that Revolution Tea makes sure that their tea has the room it needs to unfurl completely and release all its flavor, while still offering its consumers the convenience of a bagged tea.

And this bagged tea has got flavor!  This is a very tasty Chinese Oolong – a darker Oolong that offers a wonderful complexity (something that you don’t always get with bagged teas!)  I noticed a touch of smoke right off the bat – not a strong bit of smoke, but, enough to give this tea an overall sense of toasty flavor, offering more of a nutty tone than a vegetative one.  There is a lovely roasted fruit note too.  Yes, it tastes as though someone has roasted peaches and apricots at a high temperature to concentrate their sweetness, and then extracted that flavor and put it into this tea.  It’s really delightful!

I am very pleased with this tea, and impressed given the fact that such flavor was achieved from a tea in a sachet.  Sometimes, convenience is very important.  When traveling, for example, it’s a lot easier to pack some of the individually wrapped sachets from Revolution Tea than it is to pack the tea and all the accessories needed to brew a cup of loose leaf tea.  Even when at the office, it’s much more convenient to go with a bagged tea – but that’s no reason that you should sacrifice flavor.  Revolution Tea offers both.