No. 2/14 – Lover’s Leap from Steven Smith Teamaker

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Steven Smith Teamaker

Tea Description:

A delicate, fragrant marriage of high grown Ceylon tea from Lover’s Leap Tea Estate, coupled with pink rose petals from China, hand-sorted chamomile blossoms and subtle citrus flavors. Complicated and delicious — just like love.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I am going to take a leap and confess my love for this tea.

I’m actually giddy about this tea!  Not unusual for a tea to make me giddy, but it is rather unusual for a tea that does not contain chocolate or jasmine or bergamot to make me giddy this way.  And it is even more unusual for a tea that does contain chamomile to make me this excited.

But, then, that is the magic of Steven Smith.

The aroma of this tea is amazing.  It smells like roses.  Of course, over the last week or so I’ve reviewed quite a few rose teas, and all of those had a rose fragrance to them, but what makes this one different is the touch of citrus and how it melds with the rose tones so beautifully.  It gives the overall bouquet a freshness that is reminiscent of the aroma one would experience if they were to walk into a flower shop.  It’s that kind of fresh, beautiful scent that has me head over heels.

The black tea base is a Ceylon.  It is brisk and delicious.  It is smooth and well-rounded with a moderate astringency.  It is not an aggressive tea, it is mellow and on the lighter side … I’d categorize it as a medium-bodied tea.

The citrus is the most prominent flavor after the flavor of the Ceylon, and it nicely accents the natural citrus-y tones of the Ceylon tea very nicely.  The citrus is strong but it isn’t overwhelming, and it tastes like real fruit, not an artificial flavoring.

The rose is more of an accent flavor.  It is very mild – like a whisper of rose essence that wisps along the palate.  The chamomile is almost unnoticeable, but, every once in a while, my palate recognizes a insinuation of apple-like flavor.

I fall more in love with this tea with every sip!

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