Dreamy from heartfeltMenagerie

dreamyTea Information:

Leaf Type: Herbal

Where to Buy:  heartfeltMenagerie

Tea Description:

Organic Herbal Tea, homegrown and carefully hand blended to please the palette and soothe the soul. The healing herbs used in this blend are helpful in relieving stress, digestive discomfort, and promoting a cozy night’s rest.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I love chamomile teas.  I drink a lot of them too.  At night there really isn’t anything more soothing than to drink a nice glass of chamomile tea, relieving the stress of your day.

I picked up a couple teas from this adorable shop on Etsy.  This was the second one I’ve reviewed for SororiTea Sisters and this one I am extremely pleased with.  This tea originally has lavender in it.  I have yet to find a lavender tea that I really like.  So I emailed the owner and she was able to remove that from the blend.  Score one for Customer Service!

I first had this one hot the other night with my boyfriend.  We liked it, but it honestly tasted like a lot of chamomile teas.  The chamomile really took over.  The rest of the flavors just played to the side a bit and created a nice pleasing quality to it.  Overall I did like it, but I can’t say it would stand out among  other chamomile herbal teas.

So I dropped the tin in my work backpack and figured I’d try it at work.  This is where the tea that was the wallflower tea really stood out to me! Iced this is fantastic! It tastes like a sweet lemon dessert with hints of mint.  There is also a creaminess to it.  I am loving it.  I think iced is the one to go with this one. I recommend this one for a tasty afternoon treat or even in the morning if you are going caffeine free.  Glad I ordered two tins of this!

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