Tea Information:
Leaf Type:
Where to Buy: Mahamosa
Tea Description:
This noble blend of different green and white teas captivates the senses with the typical, attractive Pai Mu Tan and a Yunnan which is dominated by light, fluffy tips. Yellow rosebuds, pineapple flakes and mango cubes enhance the delicate yet significant freshness of this aromatic variety. The tea leaves dominate the overall taste with their typically delicate, slightly bitter notes. A touch of juicy pear and creamy sweet exotic flavors envelop the characteristic flavor of green tea. Ingredients: China Sencha, Lung Ching, green Yunnan and Pai Mu Tan, flavoring, mango cubes (mango,sugar), pineapple flakes, rosebuds.
Learn more about this tea here.
Taster’s Review:
When I opened my bag of Pear Green White from Mahamosa my first impression was peach rather than pear but then again I really was not thinking much about the name of the tea nor that it should smell like pear, so peach was my initial reaction. Then on second sniff I smelled circus peanuts…you know those strange little peanut shaped orange candies (love them).
The tea is pretty with rosebuds in it. When steeped my initial reaction upon first sip was KAPOWZA! This tea is not lacking in the flavor department and is nothing close to subtle. This tea reminds me of a southern lady, full of robust flavors, personality to boot, and not afraid to state its opinions. You can’t say that this tea is lacking in anything here! Another thing about this tea that reminds me of a southern lady is that it is sweet, very sweet, and although the southern ladies I know can be tricky, witty, and even a little sassy deep down they are all quite sweet as well. Yes, this is one that I will be cold steeping just to see if it is what I think it will be for me this summer, a daily sipper!
So we have our floral, we have our pear flavor which yes it does come out shinning bright and strong in the cup, we have a lovely white and green base which you just can’t beat for the health benefits, and we have several other tropical fruit notes playing around in the cup. There is a lot going on in here but it works magically well together.
This is that tea you serve at the tea party, or to the kids who refuse to drink tea – trust me they won’t even know that it is tea and will think it is some fruit juice!
Is this tea for the sake of tea in and of itself? No, it is not – purists may really shun this one, but its so nice to have a tea that packs such a punch of flavor because honestly now and then I do want something different – something more fruity and just all out fun!
The base teas are lovely providing a creamy backdrop for all the fruity playful flavors yet still remains bright and cheery not becoming too heavily laden with creaminess.
Oh I could probably go on and on about this one but its time for me to just sit back and enjoy the cup!
Also be sure to check out Mahamosa’s dedication to our earth here.