Royal Air Force Tea from Rare Tea Co.

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Rare Tea Co.

Tea Description:

A bespoke blend created for the RAF. When only the best will do.

But don’t take our word for it. Here is comedian Alexander Armstrong explaining why RAF Tea is worth it.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

I just received my package of tea from Rare Tea Co. today, and before brewing this splendid Royal Air Force blend, I perused the Rare Tea Co. website to learn a little more about the tea.  While I was there, I clicked on the link above (this one), watched the video and had a really good laugh thanks to Alexander Armstrong.

And now that I’ve tasted this tea, I have to say that Mr. Armstrong is right.  This is delicious.  And, yes, it does taste like tea.  But, I don’t think you visited this website today to hear me reaffirm the words of Alexander Armstrong.

When I opened the package I noticed that the leaf looked a bit like a Darjeeling, or at least a blend containing Darjeeling.  And after reading the website, I found that it is, indeed, a blend that contains a Darjeeling tea as well as an estate tea from Malawi.  So, I brewed this with not quite boiling water (200°F) and steeped for 2 minutes.

The results are marvelous.  The tea is rich with fruity high notes and I taste a hint of muscatel.  The Satemwa estate tea in this blend provides a strong, malty character.  The tea is sweet with bright fruit tones and the caramel-y taste of the malt.  These two teas meld together so perfectly, creating a very full-bodied, rounded taste.  It is bold enough to serve first thing in the morning, and smooth enough to serve as an afternoon tea.

This tea does take to the additions of milk and sugar well, but, I find this to be quite lovely served without additions.  It is nice iced, too, although I think the cooling process seems to dull the flavors somewhat.  For the best flavor, serve hot.

Jasmine Silver Tip Tea from Rare Tea Co.

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Rare Tea Co.

Company Description:

Jasmine Silver Tip Tea is the most delicate and delicious jasmine tea available anywhere.

Among it’s many admirers are acclaimed chef Tom Aiken and the sommelier Katie Exton.

Rare Tea’s jasmine silver tips comprises only the most tender spring leaf-buds which have been carefully mixed by hand with fresh jasmine flowers.

After the silver tips have been plucked from a tea garden high in the Fujian mountains they are taken to a jasmine farm.

They are crafted by night when the flowers give off their heady perfume.  At an exact temperature and humidity the tender silver tips absorb the jasmine’s scent. The tea is then dried and the jasmine flowers removed. This process is repeated six times, over six consecutive nights to add a unique depth of flavour.

Although the scenting is deep the silver tips retain their delicate sweetness.   The jasmine aroma is all in the ‘nose’ leaving the flavour both subtle and soft.

No flavourings or oils are used.   This is completely pure tea that has been mingled with flowers to take on their scent and then the flowers are removed.

Taster’s Review:

I love jasmine teas.  And until a year or so ago, I thought that jasmine pearls were the pinnacle of jasmine teas, and then I was introduced to silver needle jasmine teas.  And now, It would be a difficult decision to choose between the two.  I just hope there is room enough at the top for both!

This is one of the finest silver needle jasmine teas I’ve encountered.  It brews to a beautiful pale golden color which emits the softest, loveliest jasmine fragrance imaginable.  It’s so enchanting and soothing.

The flavor is amazing.  The white tea flavor is very delicate but in perfect balance with the jasmine essence.  The flavor is light and sweet.  There is no real “vegetative” taste to this tea, just fresh, floral and lively.  There is also a very light mouthfeel that is soft and silky.  For such a light tea, there is an abundance of pleasing flavor.

One of the best things about silver needle jasmine teas is that they produce many very flavorful infusions and this one is no exception.  I managed five very tasty infusions from one measurement of leaves.

If you like jasmine teas, you really MUST try this one.  You can thank me later!