Vanilla Rooibos from TeaSpree

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Rooibos

Where to Buy:  TeaSpree

Company Description:

The heady scent of Madagascar, vanilla, so sweet…

Ingredients:  Organic Rooibos, ginger, licorice, clove, cinnamon & vanilla essential oil.

Taster’s Review:

Before even opening the beautiful, origami-like packaging of the lovely TeaSpree pyramid sachet, I had already formulated an opinion of what I would be tasting:  vanilla flavored rooibos.  Vanilla & rooibos – and I was thinking:  boring!

I had no idea that I would enjoy this tea as much as I am!  This is really delicious!

There is a whole lot more going on in this cup than just vanilla and rooibos – the vanilla is joined by the flavors of licorice, ginger, cloves and cinnamon.  And in reading these ingredients, one might think that this is a masala-esque chai – but, that too, would be incorrect.

Each of the flavors, including the vanilla, is balanced so well in this cup that it becomes an almost seamless flavor.  It doesn’t taste like licorice – but I can taste a whisper of the licorice.  It doesn’t taste like ginger, or cloves, or cinnamon either – but I can taste hints of those flavors as well.

It isn’t so much that these flavors are extraordinary in their own right, but what these flavors do is enhance the qualities of the vanilla to make this MORE than just a vanilla flavored tea.

The organic rooibos has only a hint of it’s characteristic woodsy flavor, and absolutely none of the funky aftertaste.

A delightful treat for the evening, when I like to control the amount of caffeine – this blend is naturally caffeine free!  It is sweet, smooth, and delicious!

*featured drawing was obtained from Wikipedia and is a drawing of Vanilla from the Florentine Codex.