Passion & PuriTEA from Cup of Love #VeganMoFo2016

So many memories and tea associations are going thru my head as I sample Passion & PuriTEA from Cup of Love, which is perfect because today’s Vegan MoFo topic is all about memories. Now the official post is about food memories, but we are going to put our own twist on the post again and make this just about memories.

Let me explain…my Grandmother…the Grandmother who started me on tea at the tender age of 3…LOVED Marigolds. She would line her garden with them. It was her trick to keep the bunnies out or put a natural fence of sorts between them and the other flowers and herbs.

8df0a3_6c34a79f646e4a9d9474b30f78dca326-mv2My Aunt Francis who treasured plums got me hooked on those at a very young age by handing me one every time I visited her.

Those are just two of the reasons, ingredients, and back stories as to why I was excited about trying this flavored green tea.

That’s right! Passion & PuriTEA from Cup of Love contains Pan Fried Green Tea, Marigolds, Safflowers, Plum, and Pear! Just when I think I can taste more plum than pear I then think I taste more pear than plum! Now that is what I call great flavor ratios! Plus there are undertones of floral flavors but they aren’t overpowering and I appreciate that!

The green tea itself is just the right intensity, too! It’s a nice even-steven medium green tea base perfect for this blend of flavors! I have to say I’m a fan of Passion & PuriTEA from Cup of Love! It’s a delight hot or cold!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Green Tea
Where to Buy: Cup of Love

A flavorful Green Tea with delicious, delicate notes of organic Plum & Pear.  Light and sun shining yellow in the cup, this is a tea that you can drink all day.  Its soothing, floral blend of lightly pan-fried Sencha green tea leaves delivers a rich aromatic and fruity fragrance with real chunks of goodness!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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