Chestnut Fans. . .Check This Blend Out! #TeaSource

I really love chestnuts. They are truly my favorite nut. I love roasting them at home or even eating them out of a bag pre-cooked. (yes they sell them that way in health food stores) The best, though, is going into the city and getting them freshly roasted from a cart. That is totally a Christmas-time activity and it makes me want to skip summer and go right to the Holidays. Alas, here we are. Its springtime and i’m about to drink Roasted Chestnut tea from Tea Source.

Lucky for me, this tea is very true to its name. Im actually sitting here breathing it in, drinking it in, and pretending that i’m on a snowy street walking up to the roasted nuts cart about to order and then go sit and listen to Christmas carolers while I eat my chestnuts! I added agave to the cup so there is an underlying sweetness that is definitely reminding me of those sugared roasted nuts. The black tea part of this blend is smooth and calm. It goes really well with the chestnut flavor. But there really is something to this blend that reminds me almost of cookies, or sugared nuts. It is so comforting and so delicious. This would be a great wintertime tea and it went through my head to turn it into a hot latte with maybe a dash of hazelnut creamer. That would be such a treat!

I have really been liking Tea Source, lately. They really have some great blends. Thus far I haven’t run into one that I dislike. Gosh I really wish it was wintertime! I love Christmas. But, hot-tea season is almost over so i’ll be cranking my AC and turning my apartment into my own winter wonderland and drinking my Roasted Chestnut tea!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black Tea
Where to Buy:  Tea Source

This is a deep, dark, rich black tea blend with a delicious aroma. It has a roasty nut flavor with a little sweet silkiness. This is a perfect cooler weather black tea blend. Contains: China black tea, roasted mate, Houjicha, flavor, and sliced almonds.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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