Naughty or Anise/Tiesta Tea

I had a nice, big sample pack of this one, full of juicy chunks of fruit and whole spices. The thing is, I am not a big fan of dried fruit teas. I drink mostly real TEA so I have put off trying this. But today was abnormally warm and it seemed like a good time to try it.

The reason I don’t like fruit tea usually is that it either has almost no flavor, like someone whispered the name of a fruit at the water, or they add hibiscus for color and flavor and it all ends up just being a variation on hibiscus – tart and sassy.

This one came out SO DIFFERENT.

I used the whole pouch and steeped it twice, because I wanted a large pitcher to drink with our evening meal. I did sweeten it lightly with cane sugar. I added chilled water and ice and oh my goodness, it was great!

It had FLAVOR! You could really taste the fruit and the spices were so well matched to bring out the best in it. I like anise, and it was just the right amount for me with beautiful whole stars in the blend. The cinnamon brought out the apple pie vibe they talk about. This is from the “Relaxer” tea line, and who could be tense with an apple pie?

Bottom line – I loved it and would definitely love to have it again.

Want to Know More About This Tea?

Leaf Type:  Fruit Tisane

Where to Buy:  Tiesta Tea


Star anise, cinnamon and almond blend together for a spunky twist on apple pie. Being naughty has never tasted so nice.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

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