Banana Pudding/A Quarter To Tea. . . .

I like banana bread. I think chocolate covered bananas are tops. I’ll even eat a pb + banana sandwich from time to time.

But friends, it’s rare that I’ll pick a plain banana over the abundant array of other delicious fruits at the grocery store. Frankly, something about their mushiness + flavor just isn’t all that appealing to me. (A peel-ing? I crack myself up.) A perfectly ripe banana on its perfect day of ripeness? Sure! Sign me up. But that window is so short that nine times out of ten, my bananas go bad before I’ve even glanced at them on my countertop, and then it’s banana bread for all.

Alllll of this to say: I’m pretty picky about banana flavored things, because truly– the OG fruit isn’t exactly my first choice. I was skeptical when this blend showed up in my monthly tea subscription from AQTT, but I figured I’d give it a shot as a nice light, morning cuppa in the summertime. Friends: I. was. hooked. I slurped down my entire cup and immediately rebrewed a second. This tea is spectacular– creamy, vanilla-banana flavor that is perfectly complimented by a splash of milk (don’t hate me, white tea purists) that’s not all all fake or icky (or mushy, hallelujah!). I don’t exactly know what it is about this one that suddenly made banana flavor so immediately delicious to me, but I’ll just chalk it up to typical magic from A Quarter To Tea and call it a day. It’s been a day and a half since I’ve opened my small bag, and it’s already 3/4 gone. Time to order me some more! (And maybe make some banana bread…)

Want to Know More About This Tea?

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  A Quarter To Tea


This tea is currently sold out but you can learn more about the tea, please click below.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Raspberry Almond Coffee/A Quarter To Tea. . .

I think that of all the new teas I have in my “to review” box, I was most excited about this one. I am not a coffee drinker but I was so excited about the white tea, the raspberry, and the almond, that I was willing to compromise on that last flavor note of its title!

I need not have have worried, though. There is really no coffee flavor in this. The roasty flavor is coming from houjicha, a Japanese green tea that is roasted in ceramic vessels until the leaves change from green to brown or reddish brown, taking out any grassy or sour taste and replacing it with a dark, roasty goodness that is lower in caffeine than the starting product.

The first aroma when I sniff the dry leaves is ALMOND, and it is such a boozy scent that I felt it was full-on amaretto. Next is the fruit, then finally the very lightest hint of roasted leaves that makes up the coffee-like component here.

In the cup, again almond dominates, which is okay by me because I love the stuff. It is mixed with the sweet and summery raspberry flavor, and at first I think there is no coffee flavor or even roasted flavor at all. The more I drink and the longer I drink, the houjicha flavor builds and lingers, mixing beautifully with the sweet and boozy almond flavor.

I even tried this one cold and unsweetened, and guess what? It is still awesome, and I think if you are after the coffee (or houjicha) flavor, you will love it as an iced tea because I feel that the houjicha comes forward just a bit more than when it is served hot.

Another winner in my book from A Quarter To Tea!

Want to Know More About This Tea?

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  A Quarter To Tea


This tea is sold out but click below to learn more about this blend and others!

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Tangerine White Tea/Revolution Tea. . .

A couple of years ago my daughter and her husband treated me to dinner at a restaurant new to me – P. F. Changs. They asked me to choose the tea and since tangerines have such a bright, fresh flavor, this was my choice.

A small cast iron pot was brought to the table and there was a large bag in it steeping. We all poured a cup and more hot water was brought and we resteeped that bag and I fell for the tea. So did my daughter, who even went online and ordered the exact cast iron pot they used because we just had to.

At the time, I didn’t what company made it, but I perused the menu and recognized the names of some of the other teas on offer and assumed they would source from just one company. But when I went online to the Revolution website there was no Tangerine White listed!

I called their customer service line and got some great help. It turned out this flavor was made especially for wholesale clients but they offered to ask for special permission to sell me a case. Revolution – “Ma’am, a case is a LOT of tea.” Me – “You don’t scare me!” (The words of a hopeless tea addict on fire for the latest passion.)

A week later a case of Tangerine White is at my door and family and friends are lining up to take some home since a whole case is a little extreme even for me, especially since I already had about 150 teas on hand already.

What’s so great about it? I have a small cast iron pot and I can put the bag in and steep just ONE BAG for the whole pot PLUS resteep it. Easy peasy.

Also, it tastes great. When I was a kid, we pretty much only got tangerines at Christmas in our stockings. So they taste like happiness to me. This tea makes me smile. Fresh tangerine and hallelujah nothing else. They didn’t feel compelled to add the usual done to death spices with the citrus. It is fresh and light and wonderful. It tastes refreshing in summer and brightens a winter day. The tangerine flavor tastes natural and isn’t overwhelming or sour, it is just right. And the white base is the tiniest bit brisk…or is that the citrus?…and nicely balanced.

The happiest news is that this flavor has been added to the regular retail line up now and you, yes, you, can order JUST ONE BOX if you wish! And people won’t look at you and shake their heads as you desperately rearrange your cabinets to make room for your remaining half case.

By the way, I don’t make it by their recommendations. I go with my usual 185F for three minutes as I do most white tea. Try it both ways and see what you like best.

P.S. – It is not surprisingly sold out at the time of this writing, but will hopefully be back in stock before my stash gets too low!

Want to Know More About This Tea?

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Revolution Tea


This healthy, light, fragrant tea bursts with the flavor of juicy, fresh-picked tangerines and provides high amounts of antioxidants.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Raspberry Almond Coffee from A Quarter To Tea. . . .

Tart berries combine with sweetness, nuts, and a bit of Slytherin darkness to form this really well-balanced tea. It’s like a date with a mysterious, complex woman.

I’m surprised it’s white tea, actually, because there’s so much flavor flying out of it. White tea is the new Hip Thing To Drink. It’s usually pretty delicate, which makes the punch of this surprising.

What makes white tea white tea? LET ME TELL YOU, KIDS. GATHER ROUND. BRING YOUR BLANKET.

White tea is called white tea because of its color. It is tea leaves plucked very early in the tea’s life, before it unfurls and turns a rich green (green tea). The tea is also not oxidized, which is a process that darkens the leaf (black tea). The leaf, aside from its natural paleness, also still has its white fuzz. These factors combine for a really light, delicate flavor.

Usually. Not here.

This tea is basically the romantic interest in a film noir. She’s pale, dramatic, and has a few tricks up her sleeve.

This tea isn’t currently available, but if you contact A Quarter To Tea, they will often make custom orders of 4oz or more.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  White
Where to Buy:  A Quarter To Tea

Roasty and warming with sweet almonds and a bright fruity finish.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Gingerly Peach/Storehouse Tea. . . .

I have had a few peach teas and one or two were ginger peach varieties. Some of them slap you in the face with a powerful ripe, juicy peach flavor and then burn your tongue with ginger. Sneaky devils.

I am not the world’s biggest fan of ginger but I like it in small amounts, whether in beverages or recipes. I just don’t like for things to get too hot. (My neighbor would love a big hunk of ginger with ghost pepper sauce and eat it while it is on fire. Soooo not me.)

When I had some stomach issues I took to eating ginger candy and drinking honey with ginger, and I grew a little more used to it but still wasn’t a fan of the heat. But a sniff of the dry leaves of this organic white tea blend had me intrigued and eager to taste it. The scent was mild and smooth, and the ginger very well behaved. The peach was just a light, fruity background scent, no face slapping here. The lemon added a little sparkle. I swear I thought I even smelled a hint of vanilla. That could be coming from the jasmine and calendula.

The steeped liquor is deep golden color and good gravy what is happening to me? Ginger is the dominant flavor, but I keep going back for more. It’s not that you can’t taste the ginger. I still find it to dominate the cup. It does have a little heat, but the heat is juuuuuuust right. And the other flavors in this make a nice base for the ginger. The peach is pretty subtle compared to some I have had, but it is pairing oh so nicely with the ginger. And my dodgy tummy is enjoying this ever so much more than my former tummy rescue drink of honey crystals and ginger. Well, I guess it is my mouth enjoying it more, but my tummy is grateful!

Will it resteep? Oh joy! Joy! It does resteep…superbly! The second batch is still a nice deep golden color. The light dry briskness of the white tea, with the lemon possibly playing a part, is making me want more and more! I have already iced a glass for supper, and the taste I sneaked promises that this is good both ways!

Want to Know More About This Tea?

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Storehouse Teas


Delicate, honey like white tea blended with mouth-watering peach and ginger rejuvenates both body and mind. This is one of our most popular white tea offerings. This tea is excellent as a relaxing hot beverage or served as a refreshing iced tea. White tea contains the highest antioxidant level of all teas.


Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!