Buttercream Toffee Shou Mei from 52Teas

Buttercream-Toffee-White-TeaTea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

As I was thinking about fall teas to create, it occurred to me that white tea sometimes gets the short shrift when it comes to richer-flavored, non-fruit flavored teas. This really bugs me because I think a nice, subtle, hay-like shou mei has the potential to be more than just the sort of sorbet of the tea world. So, I decided to experiment this month and I think I’ve found a winner. This is a delicious shou mei white tea with rich organic buttercream and toffee flavors and some buttery yellow marigold petals for color.

Learn more about this blend here.

Learn how to subscribe to 52Teas’  Tea of the Week program here.

Taster’s Review:

Oh my goodness!  Yum, yum, yum!

On Steepster, I was noticing that a few of the people there had issues with the flavor of the tea.  That is to say, they couldn’t really taste the buttercream or toffee flavors.  I was a little surprised, because I can taste the buttercream and toffee flavors very well.

Maybe it’s all in the brewing?  I don’t usually use my Breville One Touch tea maker for white tea but I was feeling a little lazy this evening so I used the Breville today.  I measured out 3 bamboo scoops of tea into the basket (I use a little more leaf with white teas because of the bulky size of the leaf) and 500ml of water into the jug, set the parameters for 4 minutes and 170°F and let the machine do it’s thing.

The result is a mug full of yummy.  The Shou Mei white tea is a delicate base, but it’s not as delicate as say a Bai Mu Dan white tea or a Silver Needle white tea would be.  And even though it’s rather delicate, I can taste the white tea notes.  The light, airy, hay-like flavor shines through.  And while I wouldn’t dream of wanting “hay-like” flavors on top of my cupcake, somehow, the hay-esque notes work with the creamy buttercream frosting and toffee notes.

The buttercream and toffee flavors are on the delicate side.  They aren’t in your face.  But I don’ t think that they should be.  We’re drinking tea here.  And the tea that we’re drinking is white tea and it tends to be a more subtle taste and therefore the flavoring should be subtle as well so it doesn’t overpower the base.  These flavors don’t overpower the base but they aren’t absent.  I’m getting a strong flavor from both (well, strong considering that we’re dealing with a white tea).

It’s creamy and sweet and luscious!  After I poured myself a cup and took a sip, I decided to pour another cup for my youngest daughter to get her thoughts on it.  She took one sip and said, “Mmm, it’s GOOD!”  This one is a winner!