1000 Cranes White Tea Blend from Zenjala Tea Company

1000CranesTea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  Zenjala Tea Company

Tea Description:

Bai Mu Dan white tea, strawberry pieces, rose petals, and coconut shred – an unusual and satisfying blend.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

When I saw the ingredient list for this 1000 Cranes White Tea blend from Zenjala Tea Company, I was intrigued.  It seemed like a really unique blend:  strawberries and coconut, rose and Bai Mu Dan tea.

Visually, it’s a really beautiful blend.  The white tea leaves are some of the freshest looking Bai Mu Dan leaves I’ve yet to see!  They vary in color from light green to pale beige and each leaf is covered in tiny, soft white down.  The rose petals are plentiful in the blend, and it makes for a very pretty contrast with the white tea leaves.  I also see lots of coconut pieces and bits of dried berry.

The aroma of the dry leaf is very nice – I smell roses and berries and coconut!  The brewed liquid has a much softer scent, but I still smell the rose.  The pale, golden liquid also has a slight earthy note to it, reminding me of the fragrance I might experience if I were to walk through a garden of roses after a light rainfall.

The flavor is quite pleasant.  The rose and berry are the two strongest flavors, and I notice a soft, creamy coconut note coming through about mid-sip.  The flavor of the white tea is present throughout the sip as well, offering a slight earthy, hay-like flavor that mingles with the other flavors in an agreeable way.

I like that I taste the white tea and as I continue to sip, the flavors of the white tea emerge more.  This tea is not all about the flavoring, and one might think it would be, what with the strong notes of strawberry and rose, but, this tea is not just a celebration of fruit and flower, but also Bai Mu Dan!

So far, I’ve tried a couple of teas from this company, and I’ve been very satisfied with what I’ve tried.  I look forward to trying more from them in the future!