Just Epic Earl Grey from Just.Organic.Tea.

JustEpicEarlGreyTea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  Just.Organic.Tea

Tea Description:

We’ve blended our premium black teas with a generous amount of oil of bergamot for a rich sensory experience. If you like Earl Grey, you’ll love Earl Greyest. Fair trade & organic certified.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

Yay!  Earl Grey!  Since Earl Grey is a beloved favorite of mine, I decided to schedule this review for my birthday.  A good way to celebrate the day, right?  With a cup of Earl Grey!

The bergamot notes are a bit softer than I would like them to be – both in aroma and taste.  That said, I do like this blend quite a bit.  The tea base is a rich, robust, full-flavored black tea, and it is nicely complemented by the tangy-sweet notes of bergamot.

The black tea base starts off strong.  As I continue sipping, the flavor of the bergamot develops on the palate.  The bergamot never becomes incredibly strong, and even though I usually prefer a stronger bergamot presence in an Earl Grey tea, I am liking this the more I sip it.

I like how the bergamot builds.  I also like that the bergamot tastes like something more true to the fruit, although, I’ve never actually eaten a bergamot orange.  So I guess it would be more accurate for me to say that it tastes more like something that I think is more true to fruit.  It doesn’t taste fake, chemical-y, or perfume-ish.  It has a tangy overtone with sweet undertones, and it tastes like a citrus fruit.  It doesn’t taste artificial at all.

A pleasant Earl Grey. This is the Earl Grey I’d recommend to those who want a subtle bergamot note to their Earl Grey tea.