Jin Jun Mei from Verdant Tea aka Super Starling enjoys steamed buns!

I have a confession to make.

I purchased this tea because Verdant told me it tasted like “steamed buns.” I laughed at the phrase “steamed buns,” and then I laughed some more.



It hasn’t gotten any less funny. It’s still really, really good.

And yeah, this tea totally tastes like bread! It’s smoky and malty and a bit sweet. I detect maybe some butter/vanilla in there, around the edges. It’s so heavy and thick it’s almost broth-like. Even before I drink it down, it just SMELLS really good. It feels like it should have calories.

It’s not the sexiest thing in the world — it’s a classic staple.

It’s like a guy who’s got a little bit of Dad Bod going on. (I have actually written “Dad Bod” on my sample bag.) This tea is Mr Right, not Mr Right Now.

And no Mr Right would be complete without… STEAMED BUNS.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black
Where to Buy:  Verdant Tea

Jin Jun Mei Wuyi black tea is one of the most labor intensive and demanding teas to produce. The picking window is very small and the skill required so high, that every experienced farmer in the Xingcun region works together to pick Jin Jun Mei buds for each other over the first weeks of spring. Li Xiangxi’s spring-fed tea grows out of rocky, sandy soil, yielding a rich mineral flavor true to Wuyishan’s unique terroir.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!