Blueberry Black Iced Tea from The Tea Nation

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  The Tea Nation

Product Description:

Black tea is most commonly produced in South Asia and Africa. It has a stronger flavor than most other teas and also has higher caffeine content. Black tea is prepared from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis and it is the most fermented of all teas. Black tea from Ceylon Tea is primarily produced using the orthodox method, where tea leaves are first harvested and then rolled to small pieces and fermented. The fermented tea leaves are dried using fire kilns. This process gives black tea its characteristic strong, full-bodied flavor and deep brown color.

Blueberries are flowering plants that are native to North America, although they are now grown in Australia, New Zealand and South American countries. Blueberries have a range of micronutrients, with notably high levels of the essential dietary mineral iron, and antioxidant vitamins C and E. We have flavored our Pure Ceylon high grown teas with bold blueberry flavors so that you can enjoy it any time of the day. This tea is particularly good after lunch.

Taster’s Review:

The days have gotten longer and hotter – summer is definitely here.  And, yes, I must admit that it does affect my tea drinking somewhat.  I don’t drink as much hot tea as I do in the cooler months, but I do drink a lot of iced tea.

This iced tea from The Tea Nation is called “iced tea” because the tea is prepacked in large, flow through bags.  Each bag makes 1 quart of tea and it could probably be stretched to make a half gallon, but I like my black iced teas brewed strong, so I used 2 bags to make a half gallon.  This make a perfect half gallon of iced tea.

The flavor is very nice.  The blueberry flavor is strong without overwhelming the black Ceylon tea base.  The Ceylon tastes brisk and refreshing.  The blueberry flavor gives the tea just enough sweet berry flavor (and just a hint of tartness that is especially noticeable in the aftertaste), and there is a hint of bitterness from the Ceylon that arrives almost at the tail of the sip.  Not that “gee, I oversteeped the tea” bitterness, but a savory bitterness that gives the tea a pleasant complexity.

These convenient, pre-measured bags of tea work perfectly for cold-brewing and sun tea brewing as well.  Convenience and delicious refreshment.  I can see this tea becoming a summertime staple for me!