You’ve eaten a ton of pizza and now you’re dragging. Grab some peppermint tea to put some pep back into your step. Granted this varies depending on the pizza you consume.
While I generally do not pick a peppermint tea I thought tonight was a good night to give it a go. This is a lovely one as far as peppermint goes. Though I still find the spearmint to be just a bit too much.
I love mint but I prefer regular mint to spearmint. The dry and wet aromas are pleasant. My lungs feel a bit cleansed. My tongue definitely does as well.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Brooke Birch Tea Shoppe
A after dinner mint tea at its finest. Great for the digestion system but lovely anytime. Makes a great dessert tea.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Capri/August Uncommon
I have had Capri by August Uncommon once before. The tea, made with turkish apple, rosehip shells, peppermint, thai pineapple, melon pieces, pear pieces, and flavoring, seemed like the perfect tea to be iced. However, I found myself disappointed by the iced tea. It was vaguely sweet and mostly mint. So today I decided to try it hot.
The mint acts more as a foundation in the hot tea. It is definitely there but mostly as a cooling freshness at the base of the tea. There is a melon flavor on top of the mint but it is so subtle. You really have to look for it. It’s just the faintest bit of sweet atop the mint. Unfortunately I am still disappointed. I want more melon, less mint, and really anything else. Pineapple would be nice or some pear.
Honeydew is a subtle flavor naturally so a honeydew flavor in tea is hard to capture. For me, this was a bit of a miss. It’s a nice mint tisane but it just fell short of what the ingredients might suggest you’re getting.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Tisane
Where to Buy: August Uncommon
Have you had the pleasure of drinking fruit tea? Throughout Europe, teas made of dried fruit are well loved yet have been missing from American tea culture until now. Capri is a flavorful, cooling blend of fruits and peppermint, with a rich honeydew melon flavor. When it’s iced, it’s the perfect beverage for a hot day. Hot, it’s excellent after dinner or to wind down the day.
INGREDIENTS: turkish apple, rosehip shells, peppermint, thai pineapple, melon pieces, pear pieces, flavoring
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Cold RemeTea/Laughing Tree
This summer has been a hot mess when it comes to anything weather related. Our weather has been all over the board which has done a number on both my husband’s and my sinuses. With the amount of high pressure and low pressure bands that have been hitting our area, we are literally taking turns on which one of us is having issues and once again, it is my turn.
Since all of this started, my tea taste buds have been 100% wonky and I’ve been mainly sticking to lemonades and even my kids fruit punch. But I couldn’t take it anymore. . . .I had to have my tea!
Laughing Tree is a new tea company to me but I have been in love with all of the blends that I have tried from them and I totally forgot I had one serving left of their Cold RemeTea after sending off a few goodie boxes to the rest of the SororiTea Sisters.
Cold RemeTea is a delightful herbal blend of peppermint, thyme, echinacea, cranberry powder, hyssop, and elderberry. The blend itself has a minty/herbaceous/savory aroma and that is exactly what the tea tastes like. Yes, this is for sure an herbal tea but I really enjoyed this very unique blend. The mint for sure helped put a pep back in my step.
So far, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every tea blend I’ve had from Laughing Tree and this is for sure one that I’ll pick up more for the future. A delicious way to battle colds and sinus infections in the future!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Laughing Tree Tea
A great tasting way to help fight colds, coughs and the occasional sore throat. You don’t have to be sick to enjoy the taste of this
soothing blend.
Ingredients: Organic peppermint, thyme, Echinacea, cranberry powder, hyssop, dried mulberry.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Simmer Down/The Random Tea Room & Curiosity Shop
I’m not sure where this lil diddy has been hiding but I found it in my personal tea and tisane stash and knew that it was calling my name during our most recent snow storm!
Simmer Down from The Random Tea Room & Curiosity Shop. How could you go wrong from a store situated in Philly and has a lovely Etsy shop to boot!?
If you are looking for relaxing and calm in a cup you have come to the right place! The ingredients in this blend of herbs include: chamomile, lemon balm, motherwort, peppermint, lavender, and passionflower. It says it’s designed to assist the body in alleviating stress and worn nerves. Since I hate winter weather AND snow…I thought I would put that to the test!
First and foremost I could smell the chamomile. Full disclosure? I’m not a chamomile fan…but…I won’t let that stop me from trying a tea or tisane at least once.
Upon first sip? I was pleased! It was more than ‘just chamomile’. It was nicely paired with the peppermint…and I’m a HUGE fan of peppermint, folks!
At this point…I’m a instant fan! The peppermint saved the day! The lemon balm helped with the follow thru on to the aftertaste of this herbal. I thought it was nicely played. The motherwort, lavender, and passionflower all played a small part and seemed to help round out the overall flavor but those three didn’t seem to be the starting players…more like 2nd strings…if you are into sports analogies.
Yup! I could see myself sipping on this tisane most evenings. It’s probably one of the top herbals I have tried in the past several months! Highly recommended!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: The Random Tea Room & Curiosity Shop
A blend of chamomile, lemon balm, motherwort, peppermint, lavender, and passionflower. Designed to assist the body in alleviating stress and worn nerves.
Very relaxing. This is calm in a cup!
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Peppermint Crunch Inside-Out Lattes/The NecessiTeas. . . .
Tea Experimenting is continuing today with another go at an inside-out latte. Last time I used On Wisconsin by A Quarter to Tea and the floral base and honey notes just didn’t compliment the prep method. So, this time around I went for a richer, more chocolatey tea, Peppermint Crunch by the NecessiTeas.
My first step was to make concentrated tea ice cubes by steeping the tea per the company recommendations but using about double-triple the amount of leaf I would use regularly for the amount of water. Once it steeped long enough, I put the concentrate in an iced cube tray and left it to freeze overnight.
Once the ice cubes were frozen, I was able to take them out of the tray and fill a glass with them. I then topped the glass with milk and waited for the magic to happen. The ice cubes slowly flavored the milk and the more they melted, the more peppermint flavor they imparted. They also produced a chocolate quality but not exactly a creamy chocolate bar, more like a chocolate cookie. Actually it had me thinking thin mints…dipped in milk and I was quite happy.
I also decided to take some of the ice cubes and blend them with milk. This is what I did last time with On Wisconsin and I used too much ice, making for a slightly chunky drink. This time around, I went heavy on the milk and light on the ice and it turned out much smoother. Though initially it separated into a milky foam on top and the flavored milk below, it eventually melted back into each other given I got distracted for quite some time before actually getting around to drinking this. Flavorwise, this had a nice creamy peppermint to it, with a sprinkling of cocoa. It has a similar taste to the milk over ice but with slightly less chocolate. Personally I think that is because the ratio of tea ice cubes to milk was less in this drink and thus it was more water and less tea flavor. Nevertheless, both inside-out lattes were quite good and rather refreshing on a humid day.
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Black
Where to Buy: The NecessiTeas
This tea is no longer available but click below for blends that are.