Spiced Mulled Wine from Simpson & Vail- A Black Tea for the Holidays!

When I first sipped this deep red tea, my first thought was, “what a tasty hibiscus blend.” Turns out, there isn’t any hibiscus in this, so apparently my palate has quite a way to go.

This tea ALSO lacks actual wine. Those of you who thought you could have spiked tea on the clock are going to be disappointed. Or, at least, I was. “It was tea, boss! I didn’t KNOW!”

What this tea DOES have is black tea (my bae), beet root (probably the source of the color & flavor), orange (citrus zing!), and malva blossoms (attractive!).

It’s super-rich, and has a sort of hibiscus/cranberry tartness that I really like — and that I associate with red wine. This bite, plus the black tea, gives off the low note that rich red wine does.

If you like wine, you’ll probably like this tea. Heck, I like this, and I don’t even like red wine all that much.

Plus, you won’t get drunk off this. I suppose that’s an advantage if you care about being a productive member of society. You’ll actually get things done instead of napping it off.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Flavored Black Tea
Where to Buy: Simpson & Vail

Looking for a winter concoction without the alcohol? Then, this brew is for you! The blend produces a reddish cup with a sweet fragrant aroma and taste. The tannic taste is reminiscent of red wine and it is perfectly complemented by the light spice taste and the earthy undertones.

Ingredients: black teas, orange peel, beet root, spiced mulled wine flavoring and malva blossoms.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!