Stardust from Tea & Tins. . . . . .

This tea sparkles — both literally and figuratively.

The loose leaf has these cute little silver orbs that dissolve fairly well in the steep process. The resulting mid-brown tea has a glimmer effect. Looking into the tea is, indeed, a little bit like looking into space.

But, of course, a tea that’s all show and no go is a waste of glitter-balls. Luckily, this is a yummy vanilla-black with a little bit of extra spice thrown in. The vanilla plays center stage, and the hint of spices keeps the blend from going over-sweet.

If you were going to give this as a gift, I’d suggest going with one of the Tea&Tins’ tins.

I’ve chosen the robot because it’s science-fiction-y.

Though drinking tea in space isn’t, technically, science fiction any more. I found this article online about Chinese astronauts drinking pu’erh in space

My poor eyesight, asthma, and weak stomach prevent me from being an astronaut, but this tea gets me pretty close.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black Tea
Where to Buy:  Tea & Tins

Loose leaf black tea, nicknamed Star Dust!

Ingredients: black tea, vanilla and spice taste with silver ball candies and a “dusting” of gold sugar.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Vanilla Chai from The Tea Can Company. . . . .

I’ve been on a kick lately of sampling different flavored chais. Vanilla is one of them that has been in my top stash as of late. When I was sent Vanilla Chai from The Tea Can Company I was hoping I would find something tasty in my tea sipping experience and boy did I!

Vanilla Chai from The Tea Can Company has a Assam Black Tea base with Cardamom Seeds and natural Vanilla. It offers a sweet and delicious blend to any day but often served at traditional Indian Weddings. There’s a little bit of tea trivia tidbits for you to get you thru the day, eh?

The fact that there are only three ingredients in this loose leaf mix tucked inside a silken and see-thru bag blew my mind! The Assam base was a medium strength black tea. The Cardamom Seeds played an important part but weren’t a ‘ball hog’ either. The Vanilla flavor seemed to round everything out and made it both sweet and creamy at the same time. I really like that Vanilla Chai from The Tea Can Company offered sweet, spicy, creamy, and slightly malty notes, too!

Vanilla Chai from The Tea Can Company certainly warmed my heart and tummy while putting a smile on my face! Vanilla Chai from The Tea Can Company…I raise my tea cup to you!

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type:  Black Tea
Where to Buy:  The Tea Can Company

Assam Black Tea with Cardamom Seeds, and natural Vanilla. A sweet and simply delicious blend often served at traditional Indian Weddings. Serve hot. Best with milk and sugar or honey.
Ingredients: Black Tea, Cardamon Seeds and Natural Vanilla, Contains Caffeine

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Vanilla from Adagio Teas. . . . .

This tea reminds me of how cookie dough tastes before the chocolate chips get added. Sort of a brown sugar and vanilla flavor. Very cozy and warm and soft.

If you’re going for a kick in the pants, this isn’t it. But if you want a nice morning cup that you could sip in between, say, crocheting booties for children, this would be just the thing.

I have a variety of scenarios this would be right for:

– Drinking while wearing toe socks on a glassed-in porch while it’s snowing

– Handing to someone who just came in from skiing

– Slurping during a This Old House marathon


– Quaffing (drinking)  while getting ready for a girls’ night — while playing Adele really loud, obviously

– Downing at the dog park from a thermos while you pray your dog does not get fresh with the other dogs

– Draining while you choose a Christmas tree and watch your partner cut it down (you couldn’t possibly help — you’re drinking tea)

– Partaking in bed, scrolling through friends’ Instagram party-pics, being grateful you are not wearing heels, makeup, or Spanx on this lovely night Comfort is, simply, the name of this tea’s game.

This is tea is the epitome of hygge.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Adagio Teas

According to the International Ice Cream Association, Vanilla is by far the most popular flavor, getting a full 23% of all ice cream consumption. Inspired by this love, Adagio created Vanilla Black Tea, combining the rich, warm, sugar aroma of vanilla with bright Ceylon black tea. Soothing, sweet and very ‘beany’ vanilla fragrance, like warm sugar cookies made with fresh vanilla beans.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Savo from Pacific Tea

First impression – or should I say QUESTION – when I took my first sniff of the dry Savo Tea from Pacific Tea was…why does this smell like coconut? There is a very simple and reasonable explanation for this. It’s because it contains Coconut Husks and Coconut. When I first looked at it I saw the husks but didn’t realize the husks were coconut husks. I didn’t really notice actual coconut either. But once I smelled the wonderful aroma it CLICKED.

Savo Tea from Pacific Tea not only contains coconut and coconut husks it also contains carob and vanilla. The carob is definitely noticeable and contribute to the natural chocolaty taste. The flavor of this tea is that of chocolate, coconut, and vanilla which completely makes sense because those are the ingredients found in this loose leaf. It’s bold, it’s rich, and its black tea base is smooth and of medium strength.

Savo Tea from Pacific Tea was named for the Solomon’s Savo Island and its earthy, bold and rich volcanic scenery which seems to match the flavor of this tea in many ways. I felt like I was taking a journey while sipping on this tea and found in very satisfying and tasty.

Here’s the scoop!

Leaf Type: Black Tea
Where to Buy: Pacific Tea

Dreamy sensations of cocoa husks, coconut, carob and vanilla, reminiscent of the earthy, bold and rich volcanic scenery of the Solomon’s Savo island.

Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!

Pineapple Angel Food Cake White Tea from 52Teas

52teas3_1430856114__73092Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy: 52Teas

Tea Description:

All Organic ingredients:  White Peony, Pineapple Pieces, Vanilla Bean and Natural Flavors 

This particular blend is sold out. Learn what white teas are available here.

Taster’s Review:

Sipdown! Gotta love a sipdown. Sipdowns make me happy and sad. Happy that I’ve enjoyed a tea to the point that I’ve finished it. Sad because if that tea is from 52Teas it means that more than likely that tea is one you can’t get again.

I believe I reviewed this tea on my blog CuppaGeek, but I don’t believe I did here. So I thought with the summer finally upon us, this would be a great tea to try both hot and iced for these upcoming summer months, allowing me to sipdown a tea from my always growing tea stash.

With a tea named Pineapple Angel Food Cake White Tea, there are high expectations of a lush white tea with icing notes and that tropical pineapple feel. A hard goal to hit when it comes to tea, but one that 52Teas did amazingly well!

First I tried the tea hot. Prepped with water at 165F and allowed to steep for about 5 minutes and then allowed to cool for about 3. I took a sip and the flavors exploded. They captured the title of this tea perfectly. Lush notes of a decadent angel food cake with a vanilla icing and pineapple topping. The white tea provides a silky like feel that gives a unique dessert taste.  The flavors are subtle but not so much that you can’t pick them out. They mingle together very well and make me sad that I have sipped this tea down. This is a tea that I should have bought a bigger pouch of.

Then after loving the tea as hot, I tried the tea as iced. I have to say this tea sings as a hot tea but as an iced tea it is pretty tasty as well. You still get all of those same notes but the pineapple flavors seem to be a bit sharper. The cake and vanilla notes were my favorite part when I tried the tea hot.  Still, absolutely delicious and I have already drank two tall tumblers full and I’m going for a third.

Another wonderful offering from 52Teas. They really do dessert teas justice!