I was thumbing thru my tea stash recently to find something that was more than just turmeric but still had turmeric in the mix. I came across Turmeric Rustic Root from The Whistling Kettle and realized I had yet to review it here at The SororiTea Sisters. So…here goes…
Even tho it’s no longer listed on The Whistling Kettle site I have to say it’s worth mentioning!
It contains Green Rooibos, Clove, Lemon Myrtle, Pepper, and Turmeric.
Those who are interested in natural healthy finds and food and beverage are not a stranger to the Turmeric and Pepper combo as they do have benefits while pairing.
I have to say that those two ingredients contributed to the overall flavor experience but the Green Rooibos and Lemon Myrtle really took it to the next level by standing its ground.
This was a decently flavored Green Rooibos and a treat with a twist on Turmeric. Say that 10 times fast! I dare ya!
Want to Know More About This Tea?
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: The Whistling Kettle
This blend is no longer listed on the site but click below for blends that are.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Raspberry Leaf from Traditional Medicinals
Traditional Medicinals offers a variety of tea blends to help ease whatever ails you. I got an opportunity to try their Raspberry Leaf blend. I most often encounter raspberry leaf as a component in other tea blends, but this time I am brewing up a cup of pure raspberry leaf on its own.
Raspberry Leaf is supposed to help ease the discomfort many women feel during that time of the month. I can’t speak to how it affected my discomfort, but I can reflect on its flavor. This tea brew up a yellow amber color and tastes, mildly fruity and slightly nutty. It has a surprisingly full mouthfeel, with just a hint of black tea astringency. There is a slightly more vegetal aftertaste that I don’t prefer, but it mellows out nicely when mixed with a dash of honey.
I like this tea as an herbal alternative to the usual herbal tea suspects of ginger, mint, and chamomile. The ease of their sealed tea bags makes this an easy choice to pack when traveling or stash in your desk at work.
Browsing the Traditional Medicinals catalog, I see many other flavors I want to try and ailments I would like to treat. Even if the healing effects are more mental than physical, I love the comfort of a flavorful cup of tea.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Traditional Medicinals
Description: Of course, the delectable fruit of Rubus idaeus is a well-known and well-loved summer treat, but it’s the raspberry leaf you’ll find in this tea. With a silvery under leaf that is reminiscent of the moon’s glow, European and Native American women have used raspberry leaf for thousands of years for menstrual support, menstrual cramps and during pregnancy as a healthy tonic to help prepare the womb for childbirth.* We love this tea for its gently nurturing properties, and its robust taste, which is reminiscent of a delicate and mildly fruity black tea.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Memory from Virginia Tea Company
Ginkgo biloba touts an amazing comeback story. Had it not been for one monastery keeping it as a sacred plant, it would have disappeared from our planet entirely! A group of these trees in Hiroshima even survived an atomic bomb (soooooo yeah, bulletproof coffee needs to step it up a bit, eh?)
And had you all not heard that amazing story from a biology class, you’d still be in luck, because fortunately the Virginia Tea co has done all the herbal medicine research and responsible sourcing for you, Thank you Kickstarter supporters! This tea is entirely to credit (blame??) for any extra wild anecdotes I happen to remember from Fall Quarter
This offering has beautiful, large leafy components and all sorts of flavor packed little herbal goodies just perfectly balanced. There is a distinctly sweet, innocent floral scent going on here that is super relaxing, a good “stop and smell the roses” kinda moment. Very youthful and uplifting.
I love drinking these “mind-boosting” teas on exam days. As usual I personally prefer a bit of sweetener in these teas. Whether they truly help me remember how to do a crazy math skill or not, I’m at peace even with just the placebo effect.
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Virginia Tea Company
Your brain is a very powerful organ and needs to be nourished. This blend of gingko, gotu kola, spearmint, and sage are exactly what your mind needs to increase awareness and retain memory.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Benefits Lemon and Echinacea from Bigelow Tea . . . .
This week, my Health points were hit with a triple whammy: day-after sore muscles from kickboxing, monthlies, and I caught the cold going around, waaaaaaaaaah. Needless to say I busted out my favorite treatments – acetaminophen, zinc and herbal tea lol.
Ordinarily I prefer loose leaf teas, but I do like that this is Bigelow Benefits – lemon echinacea is bagged for convenience on the go. Also, if the herbs are broken up, they’ll release their goodness (or placebo effect) to me faster… right?!?! The brew tasted like a Chord of flavor, Lemongrass provides the main note, then sweet mallow and finally a hint of herbaceousness from the echinacea (which lessens the severity/duration of colds).
Also included: a bit of fennel for tummy relief, Sage as a decongestant, Elderflower for crunchy mom powers, and lemon balm for mental ease. This is still drinkable medicine when brewed with my other go-to tea bag for colds, traditional medicinals “throat coat”.
I’d recommend for cold season and in travel bags, Bring on the wellness!
Here’s the scoop!
Leaf Type: Herbal
Where to Buy: Bigelow Teas
Looking to Stay Well every day! Authentic Echinacea and crisp lemon with a smooth relaxing herbal end note. All of us know how important it is to put good things in our bodies to help us stay strong. That desire was the inspiration for the Bigelow Benefits line, everyday teas that fuel your body with good for you ingredients. But of course, flavor is everything to the Bigelow family, so we designed this line to taste fabulous and help support your well-being. We believe our Benefits teas, as part of your everyday routine, can help you define the life you want to live! Caffeine free.
Learn even more about this tea and tea company here!
Organic “Latvian Sun” Sampler from Lauku Teas
I recently tried the organic “Latvian Sun” sampler from the Lauku Tea company. The set came with a honey rooster on a stick, carved apple wood spoon, cute postcards and more. The three teas included are Anna’s Brigita’s Daylight blend, Anna’s Afternoon blend, and Evita’s Evening blend, all are herbal and naturally caffeine free.
The blends are truly handmade, with the leaves, berries, and roots very chunky and visible in the brew. I appreciated their beautiful online guide to the ingredients used in their tea. For the best flavor profile and a consistent brew, be sure to try and mix up the bag and put a balanced scoop of leaves and berries into your cup. Too much of one or the other ingredient doesn’t show off the true blended flavor of the teas.
Brigita’s Daylight blend was the original blend that inspired the company. It was a unique herbal with fermented apples leaves. This was a great departure from the sweet apple-pie-with-cinnamon teas I’ve tried over the years. Brigita’s Daylight blend was still sweet with apple flavors, but had a more subtle, natural taste, coupled with the gently fruity and floral notes of accompanying black currant leaves, lemon balm, and clover flowers.
Anna’s Afternoon blend might be my favorite of the bunch. This tea was driven by smooth berries, earthy herbs like oregano, and topped off with fresh and lemony chamomile. There was also a nice taste of mint in the blend, not as cold or sharp as peppermint, but sweeter almost like the wintergreen taste from a birch tree cutting.
Last is Evita’s Twilight, which is definitely meant as a bedtime tea with relaxing valerian root in the blend. This tea was a little less focused on the sweet green notes of berries and leaves, and featured more herbs like thyme and heather. The valerian root brought a different kind of sweetness, not quite like licorice, a bit brighter almost like non-spicy ginger or crushed pine needles. The grounded flavors suited the low-key bedtime brew.
All of these teas went incredibly well with a splash of honey, which helped the flavors pop and made the teas all the more comforting and soothing. Maybe that’s why the sampler set comes with a honey rooster, though that guy is almost too cute to brew. I’ll have to save him for my next cup.