Mirabelle Cream Rooibos Tisane from Hale Tea Company

Mirabelle-CreamTisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Green Rooibos

Where to Buy:  Hale Tea Company

Tisane Description:

The aroma is something of a cross between a peach and an apricot. To taste, this tea really does mimic eating an actual Mirabelle plum with it’s tart skin and sweet flesh. The green rooibos brings an interesting savouriness that interacts delightfully with the Mirabelle flavour.

Learn more about this tisane here.

Learn more about subscribing to Amoda’s Monthly Tea Tasting Box here.

Taster’s Review:

This Mirabelle Cream Rooibos Tisane from Hale Tea Company is the last of the three teas that I received in September’s tea tasting box from Amoda Teas.  The fragrance is to die for!  My mouth was watering the moment I smelled it – it smells luscious … like fresh peaches and apricots … and evoked memories of my gramma’s kitchen during the month of August and beginning of September, when the last of the peaches and apricots were being harvested from her prolific trees, and she would be making peach and apricot preserves, as well as pies and cobblers.  YUM!  I think my stomach just growled from thinking about it … now I want a peach/apricot cobbler with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream!

But I suppose a cup of this tisane will have to suffice since those days have long since past (and I’m not nearly the baker that my gramma was!)  And this is tasty … not nearly as tasty as my gramma’s cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream, but, this also has less fat and fewer calories.

Image from Wikipedia.
Click on the Pic to go there.

The green rooibos base is a nice choice for these flavors, because the green rooibos has a natural fruity tone to it that accents the notes of plum.  I can’t recall that I’ve actually tasted a Mirabelle plum, but I do notice some plummy notes in this tea that remind me of a sun-ripened plum with the juicy, deep red flesh.   I notice the sweetness and the hint of sour to those plums.  This is sweeter than most plums that I’ve tasted … but I do notice that plum-like tartness to this too.

The flavor is not as peachy or apricot-y as the aroma would lead one to believe … but then, this is not supposed to be about peaches or apricots, but the Mirabelle plum, although the photo of the Mirabelle plum (above right) … those kinda look like apricots!

Overall, I’m finding this tasty tisane to be fruity with a nice contrast between sweet and tangy, with just a hint of cream.  I like the lightness of this … it’s very refreshing and it tastes great hot or iced.  As it cools, the flavors do soften somewhat, but it’s still a tasty, creamy, fruity drink.

A really nice tisane, I’m glad that Amoda included this in the September box!