Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake Honeybush from 52Teas

Tisane Information:

Leaf Type:  Honeybush

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tisane Description:

There are some blends I create that actually make me feel like an evil genius. This is one of those blends.

I’m really tempted to just say: Muah – ha – ha! and leave it at that.

Here’s our caffeine-free African honeybush with organic cacao nibs, marigold petals and natural and organic flavors. If this doesn’t cure your sweet-tooth, I’m not sure I can help you.

Learn more about this flavored honeybush here.

Taster’s Review:

There was a time when I absolutely refused to try peanut butter flavored teas.   I can’t explain exactly what it was about them that made me so squeamish, but, the thought of a peanut butter flavored tea just … well, it just didn’t do it for me.  And, just as I can’t really explain why I didn’t want to try a peanut butter flavored tea back then, I can’t really explain why I got over it.  And the only explanation I have is pretty … well, it’s weird.

See, I tried a Salted Peanut taffy.  And this taffy was the best taffy I had ever tasted.  And somehow, from that experience, I put together in my head that I would enjoy peanut butter teas too.

I know, I told you it was a weird explanation.  Sometimes, I think that I share a brain with Zaphod Beeblebrox.

Anyway, one thing that my brain did get right is that I would enjoy a peanut butter tea … because I AM enjoying this Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake flavored Honeybush.  It’s actually really yummy.

I can taste the peanut butter and the chocolate.  It doesn’t taste weird or thick the way that real peanut butter tastes, and I think that is what may have turned me off on peanut butter flavored teas in the past.  I think I must have thought that the texture would be weird … but it isn’t.  It has an ordinary tisane-ish texture … it’s light and smooth.

The cheesecake flavor is well-defined.  It tastes creamy and tangy tasting, and it is such a wonderful contrast to the sweet peanut butter cup notes.  I even taste the honeybush here, and the natural nutty flavor of the honeybush goes together very well with these flavors.  As the tisane cools, I notice a bit of the buttery crust come through … just a bit of it though.

I really like the way the flavors come together here.  And now that I’ve actually TRIED a peanut butter tea, I feel just a wee bit sad for what I’ve been missing out on with Frank’s other Peanut Butter blends!

Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake from 52Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

Yes, it’s that time of year again, time for a pumpkin blend, but not just any pumpkin blend. Here’s our premium black teas blended with marigold petals and natural and organic flavors. It’s a guilt-free (vegan even) caramelly, cheesecakey, pumpkiny feast for your sweet-tooth all wrapped up in the hug of a great cuppa premium black tea.

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

OK, this is seriously yummy.  Yes, it might even taste better than it sounds.  And, yes, just the name alone is enough to make my sweet tooth swoon. Caramel?  Pumpkin?  Cheesecake?  Um… yes please!

The black tea base is full-flavored and smooth.  Very smooth.  I am experiencing absolutely no bitterness here, and very little (if any) astringency.  The only time I really notice astringency with this blend is if I actually stop, focus on the sip, and try to find it.

And while it is a good, hearty black tea, it is not overly aggressive.  The flavors here are wonderfully expressed.  I taste the pumpkin and a hint of spices.  I taste the tangy flavor of cream cheese, and there is a luscious creamy texture and taste to go along with it.  The caramel is sweet.  And there is even a hint of buttery pastry to this that is not so noticeable when the tea is piping hot, but, after it’s cooled for a few minutes, the crust seems to come out a little more.

This is really yummy – makes me wish I were a better baker so that I could actually make a caramel pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving dessert.

Caramel Cheesecake Black Tea from 52Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Black

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

Some things are just meant to go together. A slice of ooey-gooey caramel cheesecake and an amazing black tea is one of those things, and now, you don’t have to go to a nice restaurant and pay an arm and a leg to enjoy it, AND you can enjoy it guilt-free, even if you’re vegan! Here’s our new premium black tea blend, fused with natural and organic cheesecake and caramel flavors and blended with bright marigold petals. If you can’t fall in love with this tea, you should just stick to coffee.

Learn more about this blend here.

Taster’s Review:

If the name Caramel Cheesecake doesn’t at least pique your interest, I don’t know what will!  I know that if I saw Caramel Cheesecake on the menu at a restaurant, I’d likely order that for my main course.  I mean really, Caramel Cheesecake?  YUM!

For this tempting blend, 52Teas used their black tea blend as the base.  This is a blend of Assam, Darjeeling and Chinese black teas.  It is pleasantly smooth and offers a good platform for the flavors of Caramel and Cheesecake.  It is a delicious, full-flavored blend that’s strong without being overly aggressive.

But really, when it comes to a flavored tea like this one, the real star of the blend is the flavoring.  Yes, I’ve often said that when you get a flavored tea, you should taste the tea first and I still believe that … and you DO taste the tea – front and center – in this blend.  However, there is still LOTS of rich, caramel-y cheesecake-y flavor too.

The caramel notes hit the palate first, and they taste … well, they taste like caramel.  Smooth and creamy and SWEET!  The tangy flavor of the cheesecake filling comes through toward the end of the sip and remains for the aftertaste.  I don’t taste a lot of crust-like flavor with this tea … unless I slurp the tea and allow my palate to vibrate a little while I sip it.  Then I taste the buttery crust along with more of the cheesecake notes throughout the sip.  So, unless you’re in very polite company that might think it rude to slurp your tea – you’ll WANT to slurp your tea with this blend!

A really delightful dessert-y tea that is sweet enough on its own without addition.  I like this one both hot and cold, and I was surprised that the flavors do not mute as the tea cools … on the contrary!  They actually seem to intensify as the tea cools.  So it’s definitely worth trying this tea iced at least once!  I personally still prefer it hot because it has a coziness to it as a hot tea … very comforting, like a slice of caramel cheesecake would be after having a fight with the boyfriend.  But with this tea, you don’t feel that caloric guilt afterward!

Apricot Cheesecake Shou Mei from 52Teas

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  White

Where to Buy:  52Teas

Tea Description:

We’ve had a few cheesecake blends over the years, and I’ve heard from a number of customers that the cheesecake is a bit on the subtle side. So I’ve decided to try a cheesecake blend with a lighter tea that might not normally be a good match for cheesecake flavors. (I tend to want to pair our white teas with sweet, fruity notes.) So here is our delicious shou mei white tea, blended with real freeze-dried apricot bits and natural apricot and cheesecake flavors. And it is truly delicious!

Learn more about this tea here.

Taster’s Review:

One thing you can pretty much count on is when 52Teas creates a cheesecake flavor for its Tea of The Week, that cheesecake flavored tea is going to sell out pretty quickly.  Frank – the chief Zoomdweebie at 52Teas – is the master of cheesecake flavored tea!

But I have to be honest, this isn’t my favorite cheesecake blend that Frank has ever come up with.   That said, this is still a really tasty blend!

While hot, the flavors tend to be a bit more jumbled – I can taste notes that are apricot-like and cream cheese-ish.  There are some buttery and brown sugary notes in there too.  But there is nothing really about it – when it’s served hot – that screams out to me and says “I am Apricot Cheesecake!”

But as the tea cools, the flavors become more distinctive.  The apricot becomes much more like apricot – sweet and juicy and it tastes remarkably like the apricot filling that my gramma would make when she’d make apricot cobbler.  Sweet, even a little extra sweetness from the glazing, but still true to the fruit.  Then there are the flavors that are associated with the cheesecake.  Creamy, tangy cream cheese.  Buttery pastry with a hint of brown sugar.  YUM!

And as I’ve mentioned before, the tea is at least just as important – if not more important – as the flavors.  After all, I’m drinking tea, not some soda fountain concoction.  I want to taste the tea.  And I do taste the Shou Mei.  It has a sweet, lightly nutty flavor that melds beautifully with the pastry crust notes of the flavoring, making it taste more – I think – like pastry.  And the creaminess of the Shou Mei lends itself well, and even enhances, the creamy elements of the cheesecake flavor.

So, while this isn’t my favorite cheesecake blend from Frank, it is certainly delicious.  And trust me when I say that it’s worth checking out 52Teas website and subscribing to the newsletter to stay “in the know” for when his famous cheesecake flavored teas are offered … you’ve got to try at least one!  But be warned … once you try one, you’re going to want MORE!

Cheesecake Matcha from Red Leaf Tea

Tea Information:

Leaf Type:  Green (Matcha)

Where to Buy:  Red Leaf Tea

Tea Description:

When the much loved cheesecake is combined with exotic Matcha, the resulting Cheesecake Matcha is unforgettable and very delicious. With its creamy and buttery undertones and a hint of Matcha spiciness, a Cheesecake Matcha treat can easily take its place among the everyday favorite snack choices. This versatile treat adapts to the palate and can sometimes taste salty or creamy or sour depending on who is enjoying it. This varied taste makes this delectable treat truly exceptional and very favored among those who prefer non sweet snacks in their refreshment alternatives.

Learn more about this Cheesecake Matcha here.

Taster’s Review:

Cheesecake?  Did someone say cheesecake?  Why, yes please, I’d love some cheesecake!  Cheesecake Matcha from Red Leaf Tea, that is.  It’s the perfect way to indulge in the sweet, luscious flavor of cheesecake without suffering any of the guilt that comes afterward.

So I guess after that introduction, it’s no big secret:  I love cheesecake.  I’m sure that this is something I have in common with most everyone who is reading this.  I mean, really, who doesn’t like cheesecake?  But what I don’t love is the aforementioned guilty feelings after eating a slice of cheesecake (all those calories and all that fat!) and I also kind of feel sluggish and ready for a nap after I eat it.

But, that’s what’s so great about this Cheesecake Matcha – I can have the flavor of cheesecake without that sluggish desire to nap afterward.  Just the opposite, really, because Matcha is a very energizing tea drink – I have the energy to do just about anything after drinking Matcha!

I have tried this Cheesecake Matcha a couple of times now, and this has allowed me to tasted it a couple of different ways.  The first time I drank it, I first prepared it the way I usually prepare Matcha:  Traditional style.  I scooped and sifted the matcha into the chawan.  (oh, and you CAN sift this flavored Matcha.  In the past, I’ve recommended refraining from sifting flavored Matcha in the past because it seemed as though it was separating bits of the flavoring from the Matcha, and that kind of negated the whole idea of flavored Matcha, right?  Well, I don’t know exactly how Red Leaf Tea flavors their tea, but, it is all very fine powder, and sifts through my fine wire mesh.  No separation!)  After sifting, I added the hot water, and whisk until incorporated, adding water until the desired consistency is reached.

Served this traditional style, it was very tasty and very true to the concept.  That is to say, it tasted like Matcha with cheesecake flavor.  I could taste the creamy cheesecake flavor, the tangy cream cheese, even a little bit of sweet pastry.  The flavor of the Matcha was not to be overlooked; it was bittersweet, leaning more toward the sweet than the bitter.  Lovely notes of vegetation which I thought complimented the delightful cheesecake flavor quite nicely.

But, I found an even better way to enjoy this Matcha – as a LATTE!  Use steaming milk instead of hot water to whisk in to the Matcha.  I recommend using a frothing tool for this task rather than a bamboo whisk … or even a spoon, although the frothing tool is more effective and will produce a nice frothy cap.

I found that by going latte with this Matcha, the creaminess of the cheesecake flavor really emerged.  It was creamy when I prepared it traditionally … but it was super rich and creamy and decadent when I made the latte, and really, when you want cheesecake, don’t you want the rich, creamy decadence?  Of course you do!  Go for it!  Even though you are adding a few more calories and fat grams to the Matcha when you prepare it with milk (depending, of course, upon the fat content of the milk), you’ll still wind up with far, FAR fewer calories and fat with this Matcha than you would with even a thin slice of cheesecake.

When served as a latte, I found that the cream cheese flavor was just a little tangier, the buttery pastry flavor was a little more pronounced, and it was just TASTIER when I turned this into a latte.

Another awesome flavored Matcha from the HOME of flavored Matcha tea:  Red Leaf Tea!  If you’ve not yet tried any of these flavored Matcha, what are you waiting for?  I recommend starting here, with the cheesecake, and you’ll be wondering what took you so long too!